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State of Affairs

Hey everyone! I figured it might be good to publish a general update on how things are going, what we are doing, and what the future looks like.

I’m sure you are all very well aware of the current situation on the server – there is no point in sugarcoating it; we’re not doing too hot right now. Although we’ve been in worse situations in the past, I think it is good to review our current standing and address the issues that we are facing, as communication at times like these is key.

We have entered a sort of spiral where the city is struggling to recover from its current issues because we don’t have as many people playing, due to everyone is starving, the stores being closed, and there being little to do on the city itself as a result, which causes the district to recover very slowly. I think you can see where the loop forms. We’re trying to pull things back and recover, but that is a challenge to accomplish while keeping everything In-Character and realistic without fading to black or just fixing things OOCly. There is also the school year that recently started, which is not helping our situation.

The point of this post is to underline that we are still working on a lot of things that will improve the state of the server for the better. Four major updates are currently in the works, with Major Map Update #4 just coming up on the horizon (you can always see what is being worked on through our Trello Board). In addition, some roleplay system/faction changes have already begun being applied so we can experiment with what is best for the server right now, as well as a few spicier things that I can’t comment on right now but I hope we can announce soon.

I would like to take this opportunity to bring your attention to the Staff Team Application Form. A lot of us don’t have enough time to allocate to the server for various reasons, and that only serves to make things worse in general. Our target teams that need attention the most right now are the Event Team and the Faction Management Team (specifically an Amaria lead). If you have any sort of experience with these positions and have the time and will to dedicate time to the community, I highly encourage you to fill out the form and reach out to us. We can use all the help that we can get right now.

To close, I would like to state that I am highly optimistic about the future of the community. If any of you are worried that the server is on its last legs and is going to close down, allow me to dispel these concerns right here and now. We are not going anywhere, and great things are on the horizon for us, so long as you do not lose hope and remain patient as we work through this.

See you all this Friday!